When my previous favorite (tarepanda to-do) crashed *again* and lost all my lists, I was looking for a new app. I needed something where I could make several simple lists (love the icons), move an item from one list to another easily, mark things off without them disappearing (or delete them easily if need be), adjust priority (or not), and sort. This app does it all. Its complex enough and simple enough!
I use my lists for groceries, to-dos, things I want to remember, books I want to read, etc. I deleted so many "to-do" lists that were cumbersome in their complexity or only had the ability to create one list. Im thankful for this gem. I use it daily.
You can choose if you want new items added to top or bottom; email, hide, or duplicate a list; set a due date, location, or repeat interval for any list item (or not if you dont want to mess with it); and more. Theres even a search feature.
ieatdirt about Pocket Lists 1